The Center for Publics, Platforms & Personalization annual joint work session will be held February 7–9, 2025 at the University of Iowa. Unless otherwise indicated, all sessions will be held in the Moeller Media Research Lab in the Adler Journalism Building on the University of Iowa campus (140 W Washington St, Iowa City). Agenda as follows:
Friday February 7, 2025
7:00 PM: Team dinner at Formosa (221 East College St)
Saturday February 8, 2025
9:00 AM: Morning meeting
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Breakout groups
- Group A: ICA Preconference
- Group B: Minerva 2 survey and experiment
12:00 PM: Team Lunch
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Breakout groups
- Group A: ICA Preconference
- Group B: Minerva 2 survey and experiment
3:00 PM: Team share back
5:00 PM: Adjourn
7:00 PM: Team dinner at The Vue (328 S. Clinton St)
Sunday February 9, 2025
9:30 AM: Morning meeting
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Breakouts groups (TBA)
12:00 PM: Team lunch and share back
1:00 PM: Adjourn